Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Spirit of Christmas: Stories of the Season

Jennie Hansen, Betsy Brannon Green, and Michele Ashman Bell Rekindle the spirit of Christmas with this touching trio of timeless stories told by some of the finest LDS storytellers—each with a heartwarming message for the Season. Will Sophie really be able to get what she needs by spending the holidays alone? Will Miss Eugenia be able to give a struggling family the Christmas they want? Has five-year-old Janie’s visit from Santa really been cancelled because she was bad? Take a journey into the minds and hearts of three engaging characters who each need to believe in their version of Christmas—and discover that believing in people is what the spirit of Christmas is all about. A perfect assortment for sharing and celebrating the holiday season.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Thank you for your comments on Spirit of Christmas. I think you should know that the three of us came up with the idea for this book while visiting Ensign Books together two years ago. That was a fun trip and this little book is a reminder to us not only of our love for Christmas, but of the warm memories of that book tour.